7 Crucial Interview Tips

job-interview (1)The job search brings with it a number of different tasks that you should be expected to have perfected or, at least, down pat before you can take on your new career. Those of course include making sure you’re qualified, writing a killer cover letter and résumé, and, of utmost important, nailing your interview(s). Interview tips have been covered several times here at Campus To Career. There are a handful of steps you should already be taking to ensure your success.

Here is a list of seven crucial tips that have been condensed from an exhaustive list of 30 posted over at Verizon. While many of them can no doubt be learned from and utilized, these seven should make you an absolute lock for whichever job you’re applying today. Now let’s get to the list!

  1. Look the company up on Glassdoor: This may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s something that you need to remember. Finding out about how your prospective employer runs through its Glassdoor account and reviews can help you realize what you’re getting into. You may need to dress more stylish, for example, or be prepared for some dry wit. Whatever the case, it’s the site is a goldmine for assisting you pre-interview.
  2. Check the Company’s Facebook/Twitter, too: Your potential employer’s social media accounts will give you an even better idea of what to expect, especially personality-wise. The aforementioned dry wit will come through in a more obvious manner, as will any other aspects of the company. Are they light–hearted? Conservative or liberal? You should find your answer here.
  3. Have Five Résumé Copies & References Available: You never know how many people will need a copy of your résumé and it also never hurts to have extra references readily available. Just think: What if one or two of your references doesn’t pick up when they’re called? You will want to have backup.
  4. Have an “Interview Prep Kit” Ready: Whether it’s in your purse, your briefcase, or your car, have a kit somewhere so that you can, say, deal with any stains, odd scuffs, misplaced documents, etc… You shouldn’t go overboard with this, so just make sure you have backups of stuff like stain removers, any makeup you wear, your résumé, and the like.
  5. Inquire About The Interview Format: There’s nothing wrong with throwing a quick question or two at the HR person you’ve been contacting to get a better feel for the interview. Some companies like to ask brain teasers and serve up riddles to see how you handle stress or critical thinking. You may not get a straight answer when you call ahead, but give it a shot.
  6. Have Five Top Achievements Ready To Discuss: Be sure to have some brief notes available that outline a handful of the best projects you have done previously. Be ready to talk about why and how they were a success, meaning you should have numbers, percentages, etc… at your disposal during this discussion.
  7. Have Questions Ready for Your Interviewee: At this point in the conversation (aka “the conclusion”), you should be prepared to have some questions for whomever it is you’re speaking with. This is where some of the previous tips—such as reading their social media pages—can really come in handy. If you’re looking to get into their marketing department, for example, you can have some questions what’s been successful for them, what their goals are, and so on.

Hopefully these seven tips will leave you feeling better prepared and ready to conquer your next interview. Best of luck!

****Campus to Career thanks Joanne Peters for this great post!****

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